Treasure box and 20-minute dance session
Growing up, did your teachers ever do really cool activities on Fridays? I think a great way to end the week and gear up for the weekend is by finishing the day with fun, loosening activities to destress after a long week of learning.
So, I'm going to incorporate treasure box time where kids can earn prizes based on their behavior and learning throughout the week. I would love some donations of candy, cheap toys or other items you believe would be perfect for this.
Also, I believe dancing to music is a wonderful way to unwind. But to make sure the music selection is approved by parents (and kids enjoy), I have designed a spreadsheet where I encourage parents to add to the growing list of a wide music selection. I will have some selections already put in (mostly Disney songs or other clean media) but feel free to note whether you agree with my decision or not. The main goal is to have music that is both parent-approved but also something your children will enjoy!